Monday, February 25, 2008

The more you say "Lemon," the more stupid it sounds.

Lemons, I have decided, are the most important fruit. I cannot back this up with any facts, however: I have never had an actual lemon.

What kind of country is this where there are more lemon substitutes than actual lemons? I say "country" because I'm sure in many other countries besides the U.S. there are lots of lemons.

Off topic: Almost like lemons would be a very cool name for a band.

Some actual facts about LEMONS:
# of google results for "Artificial Lemon:" 511,000
of google results for "Real Lemon:"

I worry I will never taste a real lemon in my lifetime. I pray a day will come when a person will not have to live in Nigeria to taste an actual citrus fruit.

Blogged with Flock

Monday, February 18, 2008


Alright, so John and I are making a game. Details are still being worked out, but it will feature:

-Upgrades for weapons (laser sight, etc.)
-Tons o guns.
-Intelligent, evolving AI.
-Changes in time
-Zork porn

Ok, that last one is a lie, but it will be codenamed "Project Octavion" for now. The reason for the codename will be published soon.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What is an applefish?

Applefish, unlike rockfish and pennyfish, float to the top of the water upon birth and promptly die of asphyxiation. How to species continues to thrive is yet another mystery yet to be solved.

This blog has very little to do with applefish.